Have you ever wondered what it might be like to check off your goals, one by one & finishing out 2023 ready for bigger and better in 2024?
What would the year look like from that perspective?
If you're ready to stop feeling stuck, unmotivated, confused or unclear about your future; if you're driven to accomplish all the BIG things THIS year; this workshop will give you the tool to get you there.

What: A free, exciting workshop of instruction and practical application, where you'll tap into your dreams and goals for 2023 (and beyond?). We'll take periodic breaks to co-work on our own vision boards, and walk away inspired and ready to take on 2023.
When: Saturday, January 28, 2023. 9am - Noon, Eastern.
Where: Zoom! You'll receive login information via email when you register.
How to prepare: You'll also receive a prep sheet with information on all your options and what to bring for the vision board you want to create.
Vision Board Workshop
Instruction + Inspiration + Practical Application = your Vision Board for 2023!

More likely to achieve your goals when you write them down & add actionable tasks.
More likely to achieve your goals when you tell them to someone else and share accountability.
More likely to achieve your goals when you keep them in front of you reminding you WHY you chose them.

What are the benefits of a Vision Board?
What will I learn in this workshop?
Won't it be awkward working together?
What if I do it wrong?

Andrea Johnson
The Intentional Optimist, professional encourager and Executive Leadership Coach, will facilitate and guide you through goal setting and co-working time.

Lee McCraw-Leavitt
Lee is a Visual Artist who coaches the creative bits in others. She will be providing a recipe for understanding your intentions and how they work, how they are similar and different from goals, and how they can show up on your vision board!

Reina Rose Callaway
Reina made her first Vision Board years ago, and has realized some amazing DREAMS as a result. She walks you through the ins and outs of how you can work on yours at your own pace to fit your own dreams and vision.
Join the Workshop!
If you’re ready to feel EMPOWERED and
HOPEFUL about YOUR future, YOUR dreams and YOUR goals,
this workshop is for you!
Sign up now, to join us on the 28th!