Live2Lead Charlottesville
Free Core Values Exercise

Discover the Essence of Leadership: Understanding Your Role as a Transformational Leader

#courage #leadership #womeninleadership character empoweredleaders intentionalleadership live2lead Sep 23, 2024

I'm in the throes of planning my second LIVE2LEAD Charlottesville. This impactful one-day conference, will offer attendees dynamic sessions from in-person and virtual speakers.

In all transparency, it's scary and stressful! 

Nearly every day, I have to learn something new, and by the time my son gets off the bus at 3:30, my brain is toast!

If I'm honest, I've thought about "cutting my losses" more than once.

But then...

I think about everyone who came in January, and I get inspired. Then I think about former clients who are SO excited to be there, and I get encouraged. Then I review the content that we'll be enjoying, and at feel my courage start  to rise.

Look, being a leader is hard. There's no way around it.

But that's why I do what I do!

Because the world needs more curious, welcoming, and wise leaders. Leaders who understand their Core Values, recognize their strengths, and live by a clear set of life principles. This foundation enables them to lead with integrity, humility, and authority while mentoring the next generation. When leaders truly know who they are, they stop imitating others and start defining their own principles and priorities, creating a path for sustainable, impactful leadership. As we embody our unique values, we inspire and empower others to do the same, fostering diversity and authentic leadership across generations.

So - as we gear up for what I call "LIVE2LEAD Season," I'm going back to basics.

I'm refreshing my memory on what it means to be a leader, so that - whether or not you show up in person on October 18th - I can stand tall and own what it means to truly LIVE2LEAD. 

As part of my own review and prep, I've put together a four-part leadership series on the podcast, getting us all ready for LIVE2LEAD Season.

In this four-part series, we’re honing in on LEADERSHIP:

  • ROLE: Understanding Your Role As A Leader
  • RESPONSIBILITY: Communication Basics: The #1 Responsibility of a Leader
  • RESULTS: Setting You and Your Team Up to Succeed - Team Success
  • REASON: Leadership Legacy - What Are You Building or Leaving Behind? Intentional Growth

The first in the series comes out today, and you can listen here: 🎙️Leadership: Understanding Your Role & Building a Strong Foundation for Success or here, on 📺 YouTube. In it, we look at what leadership really means, the key to good leadership, and what makes a solid leadership foundation.

Here's a sneak-peak...

Do you have a clear definition of leadership? According to James C. George, "Leadership is the ability to obtain followers." Well, if that doesn't hit both sides of the seesaw at once... I mean, I can think of plenty of people who have figured out how to get people to follow them, yet have no business being a leader. So what makes a good leader?

John Maxwell, in his book Developing The Leader Within You, 2.0, maps out, in ten clear lessons, the basics of good leadership. If you've not read (or worked through) this book, add it to your list.

According to Maxwell, there are Five Levels of Leadership that we, as leaders need to work through.

They are:

  1. Position - people follow you because they have to. 

  2. Permission - others follow you because they want to.

  3. Production - they follow you because of what you’ve done for the organization.

  4. People Development - they follow you because of what you’ve done for them.

  5. Pinnacle - others follow you because of who you are and what you represent.

But how do you know - especially when you already have people following you - whether or not YOU are a good leader?

Prioritizing Your Role as a Leader

The first key aspect of your role is understanding your Priorities. As a leader, you will automatically have more on your plate. How do you prioritize?

  • Work Smarter, Not Harder: Understand your capacity and all your resources. Willingness to focus helps in prioritization.
  • Core Values Filter: Identify what's most important and consider letting go of or delegating less critical tasks.

 Building Character: The Foundation of Leadership

The second aspect of your role is Character. Leading yourself is often the most challenging task you face each day. A solid character builds trust.

  • Reciprocal Trust: If you trust your team and they trust you, leadership becomes a two-way street. You must go first.
  • Authenticity and Self-Management: How you manage your core values, principles, and beliefs defines who you are as a leader.

When you understand: 

  • The definition of Leadership: (Influence), you know what you’re getting yourself into.

  • The Key to Leadership (Priorities), you know where you need to start to get anything done.

  • The Foundation of Leadership (Character), you know the work you need to do daily to become an impactful leader who is in it for the long haul.


Moving Forward

As you contemplate these aspects of leadership, ask yourself:

  • How will you use this information today, in your life?
  • When you look at the five levels of leadership, where do you land?

Remember, having clear priorities and solid character will help you rise through the levels of leadership.


Are you looking forward to LIVE2LEAD Season?

Comment below, and tell me what you think... or better yet, listen to (or watch) the episode and tell me what resonates. I'd love to know what's new information, and what you learn. 

 I'm here, to help you become a curious, welcoming and wise leader. If you've not yet considered participating in LIVE2LEAD, in person or though LeaderPass, what's stopping you? It's time to empower you to elevate your impact!r

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