Live2Lead Charlottesville
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Leadership Legacy: Intentional Growth & Lasting Impact

developing personal growth as a leader how to build a leadership legacy how to influence others as a leader intetntional leadership leadership growth leadership influence leadership legagy pinnacle leadership the price tag of leadership what are the five levels of leadership? Oct 14, 2024

This is the fourth and final episode in my Leadership series, which I’ve called "The Four R’s of Leadership." Throughout this series, we’ve broken down the key pillars of leadership into actionable, digestible components:

  1. Role: Understanding Your Role as a Leader
  2. Responsibility: Communication Basics—The #1 Responsibility of a Leader
  3. Results: Setting You and Your Team Up to Succeed—Team Success
  4. Reason: Leadership Legacy—What Are You Building or Leaving Behind? Intentional Growth

Today, we’re looking at the Reason you lead—specifically, what kind of legacy you’re building as a leader. If you've been following along with this series, you know I’ve drawn these principles from John C. Maxwell’s Developing the Leader Within You 2.0 workbook, which I walk 100% of my Executive Leadership coaching clients through. (As a side note: this workbook is currently 50% off on Amazon, so now’s the time to grab your copy!)

Why Legacy Matters

The idea of leaving a legacy might sound self-serving to some, especially to GenXers like me. But let me remind you of the definition we’re using of leadership: Leadership is influence, plain and simple. James C. George said it best: “Leadership is the ability to obtain followers.” You influence others whether you intend to or not.

If you want to leave the world a better place than you found it (like my Dad taught me), it’s time to become intentional about being an Impactful Leader. Whether you want to grow in your career, expand your business, or work with youth or specialty groups, the process starts with becoming a leader who leaves an indelible mark - a legacy.

And just like influence, legacy is something we all leave behind, even if we don’t always know exactly what that legacy will look like. The key is to be intentional about shaping what you leave behind.

The Five Levels of Leadership

Let’s quickly review John Maxwell’s Five Levels of Leadership. As leaders, we should all aim to grow through these stages:

  1. Position: People follow because they have to.
  2. Permission: People follow because they want to.
  3. Production: People follow because of what you’ve done for the organization.
  4. People Development: People follow because of what you’ve done for them.
  5. Pinnacle: People follow because of who you are and what you represent.

Level 4—People Development is where you start to leave a real legacy. But Level 5—Pinnacle Leadership is what we all strive for. Reaching that level requires intention, growth, and a long-term investment in yourself and others.

So, what does it take to get there?

The Price Tag of Leadership: Self-Discipline

I know, self-discipline doesn’t sound particularly fun. It can feel like deprivation, hyper-focus, and a lack of enjoyment. But if you embrace the fact that the greatest challenge of leadership is leading yourself first, self-discipline becomes essential.

Think of it this way: you don’t have to be a leader. There are plenty of people who are willing to step up and do the work. But if you want to make a difference and leave a legacy, then you have to do the work of leading yourself first.

It helps me to remember that  that self-discipline isn’t an expense, but an asset. Here’s why:

  1. Self-Discipline Allows You to Go Uphill

“Everything worthwhile is uphill.” My sister is a perfect example of this. She walks three miles a day wearing a 12-pound running vest. She recently returned from a cruise through Europe, where she explored steep cobblestone streets in Croatia and Montenegro. She said that without her regular rigorous walking routine, she wouldn’t have made it through those challenging climbs.

Self-discipline is what allows us to prepare for life's difficult climbs. It transforms good intentions into good actions.

  1. Self-Discipline Is the Difference Between Temporary and Sustained Success

We’ve all heard the phrase, “Don’t sacrifice the long-term for short-term gain.” The reality is that self-discipline helps us avoid that pitfall. It’s what allows us to keep working even when nobody’s watching, even when the rewards aren’t immediate.

Kop Kopmeyer, a success expert, once said that self-discipline is the most important of the thousands of success principles he discovered. Without self-discipline, the rest simply don’t work.

  1. Self-Discipline Turns Habits into Servants

James Clear’s Atomic Habits has revolutionized my thinking about habits and self-discipline. The science behind habit formation shows us that we are ruled by our routines. But when you are intentional about your habits, you turn them into tools for success, rather than stumbling blocks that keep you stuck in a rut.

  1. Self-Discipline Is Developed, Not Given

Just like a muscle, self-discipline can be developed over time. It’s about resisting the temptation to coast and instead focusing your energy on what matters most. Gary Keller, in The ONE Thing, talks about staying focused on the one thing that will make everything else easier or unnecessary.

  1. Self-Discipline Is Easier in Areas of Strength and Passion

You are naturally more self-disciplined in areas where you feel strong or passionate. Use those wins as fuel to develop self-discipline in areas where it doesn’t come as easily.

  1. Self-Discipline and Respect Are Connected

Few things build self-respect like self-discipline. When you’re consistent in the small things, you build a foundation of confidence and respect—for yourself and from others. That respect is earned through hard work and discipline.

  1. Self-Discipline Makes Consistency Possible

Consistency is key to accomplishing big goals. Episode 192 of my podcast, Stand Tall & Own It wouldn’t exist without consistency. It’s the slow, steady accumulation of small wins that allows us to reach the pinnacle of leadership.

The Expansion of Leadership: Personal Growth

The second principle that enables you to be intentional about your legacy is dedicated personal growth. Growth is the only guarantee that tomorrow will be better than today.

Growth means change. If we don’t change, we don’t grow. It’s about embracing new situations and promoting growth in others. This separates those who succeed from those who don’t.

To maximize growth, you need a strategy. Ask yourself:

  • How can I grow daily?
  • How can I apply what I’ve learned?
  • How can I measure my growth?

Growth is the seed of hope, and sustained growth over time will help you realize that hope.


Core Values: The Foundation of Legacy

Understanding your Core Values is pivotal to your leadership journey. This is what I mean when I say, “Stop imitating other people’s principles and develop your own.” This allows for sustainable, impactful leadership. This is the kind of leadership that leaves an indelible mark.

When you embody your unique values, you inspire others to do the same, fostering authentic leadership across generations.


Are You Ready to Level Up?

Are you willing to pay the price of self-discipline? If you are, the rewards of hope, growth, and joy await you.

If you’re ready to take the next step, join me at LIVE2LEAD Charlottesville on Friday, October 18th, or access the LeaderPass for online, on-demand content featuring top leadership speakers.

The world needs more leaders who understand their core values, live by clear principles, and lead with integrity. Are you ready to be that leader?

By focusing on intentional growth and developing your leadership legacy, you can leave behind a lasting, meaningful impact that will ripple through generations to come.

If you are local to Central Virginia—especially the greater Charlottesville area—you can take part in a full-day, live, in-person L2L conference in Charlottesville on Friday, October 18, 2024. Keep an eye on my socials and my website, as we’re looking at up to two more live, in-person events in Central Virginia before the end of February. 

If you’re not local or won’t be able to attend in person, you can still access this amazing content through LeaderPass. What is it? You’ll get 5 days of virtual on-demand access to LIVE2LEAD 2024. This features the speakers you’ll hear at LIVE2LEAD Charlottesville, including Michael Jr., Chris Robinson, Brandon Dawson, and many more! Plus, you can access PAST speakers like Marcus Buckingham, Ryan Leak, Ed Mylett, and Tim Elmore (who I mentioned in my podcast episode Leading Across Generations; that link is in the show notes as well, and this is SUCH an amazing value).

👉L2L Charlottesville:


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